Dr Varshhaa S Alhat
General Practitioner
General Practice
25 years of experience
Ruwi (Oman)
About Dr Varshhaa S Alhat
Dr Varshhaa S Alhat is a highly experienced General Practitioner with many years of experience in her kitty. She is an expert at handling both routine and emergency cases and is proficient at diagnosis and formulating care plans at an inter-disciplinary level. With her strong analytical abilities and understanding of team work, she is very efficient under stress and strenuous conditions. She is a certified ACLS and BLS and provides effective emergency care to accident and trauma patients. She has also been active in initiatives focusing on awareness and interactive community based programs.
Excellence & Experience
Area of excellence
- Cardiovascular Emergencies
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Respiratory Medicine
- Emergency & Critical Care Services
Level of Experience
- Casualty Medical Officer - Terna Medical College & Hospital
- General Practitioner - Asthha & Mahavir Clinic in Chichwad, Maharastra
- Medical Officer - Bandra Holy Family Hospital
- Medical Officer - ESIS Mulund Hospital
- Junior Assistant Medical Officer - LTMG Hospital, Sion Maharashtra
Awards & Academics
List of awards
Academics Details
- MBBS - Christian Medical College- Vellore, Chennai University, Tamil Nadu (1992)
Out Patient Timings
The outpatient timings at Badr Al Samaa Hospitals have been planned in such a way that your choice of doctor is available whenever you are free.
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